Fah Braccini
Artista e Tradutor Eng-PtBr
About me
I'm an artist and translator from Brazil! I love indie games and art!
My Games/Meus Jogos
Syrup e o Doce Absoluto (Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet by NomnomNami)
Lonely Wolf Treat (Lonely Wolf Treat by NomnomNami)
Demônio Contratada (Contract Demon by NomnomNami)
Primeiro Beijo em um Sarau Assustador (First Kiss at a Spooky Soirée by NomnomNami)
Flores Estreladas (Starry Flowers by NomnomNami)
Jardim da Astra (Astra's Garden by NomnomNami)
Súcubo Conselheira Sexual (Sex Advice Succubus by NomnomNami)
Estudando Encandos (Charm Studies by NomnomNami)
Teatro dos Finais Infelizes (Bad End Theater by NomnomNami)
suas lágrimas eram minha luz (her tears were my light by NomnomNami)
Tomai (Tomai by DCS)
Chessplosion (Chessplosion by CT Matthews)
Ducky's Delivery Service (Ducky's Delivery Service by CT Matthews)
Solanaceae Prólogo Capítulo 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6 (Solanaceae Prologue Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 by DCS)
Meu Mestre é um Naga: A Coleção Completa (My Master is a Naga: The Complete Collection by DCS)
Links for my Social media and email!
I've mostly done work on Visual Novels but I also do other games and comics! Contact me on my email if you wish to hire me to translate your game! Follow me on Social Media to keep up with my art!